Monthly Archives: July 2015



…Just because I wander might mean I am lost. 

Wandering back to the Hartville Marketplace and Flea Market this morning.  We get up at 4:00AM to make this trip. We usually pack our car with our display the night before but we were not sure of the weather. The weather man was calling for 70% chance of thunderstorms at the beginning of the week. By this morning we are down to 10%. Good news for us though. As frustrating as it is to not be sure of your plans on the weekend we are not going to fuss. At least it’s going to be dry enough for the Two Twisted Gypsies to set up.  

Last week our tent broke in two places. It is an EZ shade brand tent and you basically walk it open. We have only used it a total of four times, this being our fifth we were upset. Good news though the folks at EZ Shade are replacing the broken bars at no charge. So we have borrowed a friends tent for today. 

Brought a few of my mini gardens to sell.